Best Poster Winners

Prize Abstract ID Abstract Title Author
1st Prize 72 Spectrum of bleeds in hemophilia: a real study Sushma Baishya
St John's Medical College, Bengaluru
2nd Prize 32 Management of breakthrough bleeding episodes in the phase 3 concizumab studies Jameela Sathar
Ampang Hospital, Malaysia
Comprehensive Care / MSK / Labs
1st Prize 55 Evolution of prenatal haemophilia diagnosis in India: navigating the future Sharda Shanbhag
2nd Prize 45 Outcomes of dental treatment procedures in people with hemophilia treated under a comprehensive care model: an analysis of cases from a tertiary care center Mathangi Kumar
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal

Best Paper Presentation (Oral) Winners

Prize Abstract ID Abstract Title Author
1st Prize 006 A Non-Interventional Study to Evaluate Impact of Emicizumab in the Treatment of Bleeding Episodes, on Joint Health and Quality of Life in Participants with Hemophilia A Anupam Dutta
Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh
2nd Prize 69 Impact of Prophylaxis Treatment in Children with Severe Hemophilia A Over a Decade – A Retrospective Single Center Study Lincy Paul
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi
Comprehensive Care / MSK / Labs
1st Prize 52 Insights into the clinical profiles and molecular genetics of Hemophilia A in North Indian Patients. Ritika Sharma
PGIMER, Chandigarh
2nd Prize 13 The genotype-inhibitor phenotype association among north Indian patients with severe Hemophilia A Narender Kumar
PGIMER, Chandigarh

Contents will be Updated soon...

Best Poster Winners

Prize Abstract ID Abstract Title Author
1st Prize 72 Spectrum of bleeds in hemophilia: a real study Sushma Baishya
St John's Medical College, Bengaluru
2nd Prize 32 Management of breakthrough bleeding episodes in the phase 3 concizumab studies Jameela Sathar
Ampang Hospital, Malaysia
Comprehensive Care / MSK / Labs
1st Prize 55 Evolution of prenatal haemophilia diagnosis in India: navigating the future Sharda Shanbhag
2nd Prize 45 Outcomes of dental treatment procedures in people with hemophilia treated under a comprehensive care model: an analysis of cases from a tertiary care center Mathangi Kumar
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal

Best Paper Presentation (Oral) Winners

Prize Abstract ID Abstract Title Author
1st Prize 006 A Non-Interventional Study to Evaluate Impact of Emicizumab in the Treatment of Bleeding Episodes, on Joint Health and Quality of Life in Participants with Hemophilia A Anupam Dutta
Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh
2nd Prize 69 Impact of Prophylaxis Treatment in Children with Severe Hemophilia A Over a Decade – A Retrospective Single Center Study Lincy Paul
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi
Comprehensive Care / MSK / Labs
1st Prize 52 Insights into the clinical profiles and molecular genetics of Hemophilia A in North Indian Patients. Ritika Sharma
PGIMER, Chandigarh
2nd Prize 13 The genotype-inhibitor phenotype association among north Indian patients with severe Hemophilia A Narender Kumar
PGIMER, Chandigarh

Contents will be Updated soon...